Monday, January 31, 2011

Boneyard 2.6! Bring on the posts, paleo-bloggers!

That's right: the sixth installment of the Boneyard Blog Carnival is coming this Tuesday to Deep Sea News.

The world's finest (only) paleontology-themed blog carnival needs your submissions. It's been an eventful first month of 2011, so if you've covered any of the paleontology news at your blog, don't miss out on the chance to spread the word farther and wider with the Boneyard. Email them to boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com. Get 'em in by Monday night.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Boneyard 2.6 Coming Soon to Deep Sea News

The Boneyard Blog Carnival

The sixth installment of Boneyard's second life will shortly be upon us, with the hirsute and charming Kevin Zelnio hosting at Deep Sea News on Tuesday, February 1.

If you've written about paleontology on your blog, whether this month or last year, share your knowledge with the world's only paleontology-themed blog carnival. And no, it's doesn't have to deal with dinosaurs! All long-lost critters, beasts, and creepy-crawlies are welcome. Email submissions to boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com. Get 'em in by Monday night.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Boneyard 2.5 Arrives!

Go to When Pigs Fly Returns and feast on the new edition of the Boneyard, the world's most delightful paleontology blog carnival.

Super job, Zach. A finer gentleman we may never meet.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Apologies for the Delay...

The Boneyard 2.5 is on its way, just a bit delayed is all. Zach expects to have it posted today, and sends his sincerest apologies that it isn't up yet. If you're really hard up for kicks in the meantime, just play this repeatedly.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Extended Deadline! Last Call for Boneyard 2.5!

Because of Zach's work schedule and his timezone, Boneyard 2.5 is still a few hours away. So, let's put it this way. You blog. You write about paleontology on that blog. You've written a post you're particularly proud of.

Submit it!

But because I'll probably not be at my computer for the rest of the night, please leave your submission in the comments of this post. Zach will check it and add you to the carnival.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Boneyard Charges into 2011

As Boneyard 2.5 approaches, I thought it was a good time to set the stage for 2011. I'm repeating some of what I said when I first started this blog as a homebase for the carnival.

Its crucial that we get plenty of people stepping up to host editions of the Boneyard. The first four months of 2011 are spoken for. If you would like to host one of the open dates below, email me at boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll update the list.

January 4: When Pigs Fly Returns
February 1 Deep Sea News
March 1: Superoceras
April 5: Sorting Out Science
May 3: Open
June 7: Open
July 5: Open
August 2: Open
September 6: Open
October 4: Open
November 1: Open
December 6: Open

As for how hosts moderate their editions, I leave that to their own judgment. Besides paleontology, posts about geology and other related sciences under the banner of natural history seem like fair game to me. Since I write primarily about dinosaurs, I'll even include relevant bird research.

Why Bother?
You may not be entirely familiar with the concept of a blog carnival. You may be wondering why you should bother. I can do no better than to urge you to read this characteristically wonderful post by Bora. He makes a good case for them, and lays out the benefits and responsibilities.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Submit to the Boneyard 2.5

The fifth installment of Boneyard's second life will shortly be upon us, with the esteemed Zach Miller hosting at his blog When Pigs Fly Returns.

If you've written about paleontology on your blog, whether this month or last year, share your knowledge with the world's only paleontology-themed blog carnival. Email submissions to boneyardblogcarnival(at)gmail(dot)com.