Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Boneyard 2.10 Call for Submissions

The end of May is rapidly approaching, which means we're coming up on the month of June. June is when, naturally, the June edition of the Boneyard arrives.

You see what I'm getting at here? Time to submit your own paleo blog post to the tenth edition of the Boneyard 2.0! This time around, it will be hosted by the capable Gary Vecchiarelli, the man behind Project Dryptosaurus. Project Drypto seeks to raise awareness of New Jersey's own tyrannosauroid, so let's pitch in by packing his go at the Boneyard with tons of good stuff.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, June 6. Boneyard 2.10 will be posted at Project Dryptosaurus on Tuesday, June 7. Send those posts to boneyardblogcarnival(at)blogspot(dot)com.